Monday, November 4, 2013

Hannah: Marathon Training at Night

Hello cyber land. I am feeling motivated to blog it up. I feel rather ashamed that I have placed rock climbing on the back burner. I am only climbing 2-3 times a week (if that), and I am climbing to maintain my fitness level without pushing myself too hard because I'm afraid I'll injure myself.
Marathon training is in full swing. I'm in my fifth week and I feel fantastic. Granted, the first four weeks only required me to run an average of 3 miles, four times a week with my long runs being 4 miles. 3 miles is a very very comfortable distance for me. It's almost too comfortable. Well as of this week, I will be adding 2 miles each week to my long run. This past weekend was 6 miles. Next week is 8 miles. The week after that is 10 miles. And the following week was supposed to be 12 miles but I figured, heck, why not add 1.1 miles? So I'll be running the Tucson Half Marathon (eeeep!) one month from today.
I don't think I'll ever allow myself to go through Thanksgiving again without signing up for a marathon first. This is totally awesome.
Anyhow, I'm learning a lot about myself and how I run through training for a marathon. It might sound silly or even a little redundant but I feel like training for a marathon is completely unlike anything I have ever trained for before. When I trained for my half marathon last year, the though of 13.1 miles was completely stressful. I poured everything I had into running exactly that distance and when that race was over, I didn't run for a while. I was so beat! Now, I am running a half marathon in four weeks and one week later, I have to run 14 miles. Like it's no big deal. (Not to mention the 5-7 miles I'll be running throughout the week.) There isn't any room for my mentality to interfere with my performance. I can't psych myself out. I can't have a mental breakdown and say, "I don't know if I can do it! I've never ran 14 miles before!" I just have to get up and suck it up! What's .9 more miles?? (I'm going to kick myself for saying that later...)

So. I am a night runner through and through. Nothing makes me happier than running and then being able to pass out and go to sleep right after. I don't like running mornings unless I am racing. I am very aware of the "risks" of running at night and I think I am pretty safe. I'd like to share what I like to carry with me.

I don't know about men, but I get nervous when I run at night sometimes. I'm scared someone will hop out of the bushes and attack me. I think it helps me run faster. There are actually times where I'll fake a phone conversation and talk really loud to "myself" and tell "the person on the other line" exactly where I am, when I think someone is near me. Most of the time I'm completely alone and just super paranoid..........
I carry two items of self defense.

First is some good ol' pepper spray. I am so happy to say I have never used it but it comforts me knowing it's at my side. I bought it at the checkout at Fry's Electronics.
Second is my beloved Buck Knife. I own a few small knifes but this one is my favorite. The clip is so tight and sturdy I know it'll never bounce off when I'm running. The blade flicks open very easily and quickly for fast defense. And there is a bottle opener because I love beer.

I am one ghostly white blonde girl but I know at night it still is very impossible to see me. I have a sexy vest I wear every night that I got from Target here. It is adjustable on the sides and hasn't caused any chafing so far. Oh yeah, that's my arm band I wear on my shorter runs under 6 miles. Anything above 6 miles requires me carrying my own water and GU.
I also add to my visibility with my newest additions: my New Balance blinky light things! I also got them from Target. They clip to anything and can either stay on a solid red light or a blinky red light. I like the blinky red light because I feel it helps me stand out from the break lights. I like these because they are super lightweight.

In my opinion, this last one is the most important. I recently purchased my Road ID bracelet after hearing about it through my friends at Further Faster Forever. I know too many runners and cyclists who have had unexpected accidents, as they all are, and if it weren't for their Road ID, who knows how things would have ended up. I always tell Kalen when I am going on a run and he knows my regular routes. When I'm running late at night or for a long period of time, he even tracks me through our iPhones because he worries about me. :) This bracelet is completely comfortable. I don't feel it when I run. I have sensitive skin and the metal doesn't irritate it one bit.

So whether you run at the crack of dawn, in the middle of the day (what's wrong with you), or after the sun sets like me.... be safe and even though you may feel silly at first, I seriously recommend investing in some sort of protection or safety wear.

Run on!

1 comment :

  1. I love your bracelet. I put my driver's license in my camelback "To identify my body if I fall off the mountain", and I've always wanted to get something personalized with my dad's number, my allergies and blood type or something. That bracelet is such a good idea.
