Thursday, August 22, 2013

Julie: "Go Big Or Go Home"

A lot of people know about my previous work with the Special Olympics. I coached bowling for five years, but subbed in for track, soccer, basketball, swim and softball. SO athletes are incredibly inspiring and it's ridiculously humbling when I can't run the sprints they can or hit the home runs they can. They rock and are my fitspiration!

I wanted to share two things I ran across today.

These pictures from SO weight lifting practice (originating from this reddit thread, his stats are posted)

And this video.

No matter how big your obstacle - don't let it get in the way of your goals.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Hiker's Log: Month 3

Multiple days over 100 degrees, many over 110 and even a few over 115. I have sought comfort inside the confines of my apartment, but even my air conditioner is no match for the sweltering heat.

Bare feet are no match for the patio baking in the sun. The heat rises from the asphalt, making tiny glimmering waves across the desert. The mountain I climbed every day, twice a day, glimmers in the distance across the horizon. Beckoning me from the memories of winter.

Morale is low.

Approximately two more months until refuge is in sight. Until then, the heat holds me captive. The itch to hike grows with each passing day. I'm parched.

- Julie

Well, I guess I can go to the gym instead.

Crystal: Officially in Marathon Training Mode!

Soooo, it's official. Yesterday marked the first day of marathon training. I have chosen to do an 18 week training program,  I was debating between a 16 week and 24 week program but I think this will be perfect for me. As I go into my first week of training I can't help but feel a little scared, kinda like this guy...

Buuut, I have to pull up my big girl panties and just bust it out. What's the worst that can happen? Well an injury, that's what, but I've always been really good about running within my limitations so hopefully that should not happen. Pooping myself. That has always been a legit concern. Throwing up, etc. Mostly, I am genuinely concerned about finishing. This is a huge mental battle right now. I know I can and I know that I will, even if that means walking to the finish line, I'M GOING TO FINISH IT! There are SO many things that can go wrong when running a marathon but there is one great thing that can go right, and that's crossing the finish line.
My new motto

Okay, fears aside, I am also very excited to start my training. I put on quite a few pounds from my recent vacation to Maine (I literally lived off of pizza, fish & chips and ice cream) so I can't wait to be back on a healthy diet and workout plan. Kyle is also training for his first sprint triathlon in September, so I don't have to worry about neglecting him and we will probably do a lot of our workouts together. You laugh, but training takes up SO much of your life that sometimes it can negatively affect a relationship. Here's a good article on that: A Workout Ate My Marriage. Running a marathon is something I have dreamed of doing my entire life and in December that dream will come true; it's hard to put that excitement into words. 

On a side note, my manager was asking about my training this morning (she herself is a marathon runner) and another co-worker chimed in with "When are you doing your race? Maybe I'll sign up too. I hate running and I always thought those races looked awful but I'm sure I can do it too (shrugs shoulders)." Um, what? I'm sorry, but don't sign up for a race just because other people are when you have zero interest in running. It's great if it's something that you enjoy but why would you spend all the time and money (race fees, shoes, clothing, gear, fuel, etc) if you think they look "awful"?! I always hated the physical act if running growing up but I always admired runners and what they did. I would drive by races and wish I could do something like that because I thought it looked amazing, not "awful." I just found that weird. Haha

That's it for today's ramblings. 
